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We are a group of parents, students, and educators who are working to ensure critical thinking skills and diversity of thought within K-12 education.  Our mission is to ensure that all schools promote a culture that values and prioritizes true diversity of thought, freedom of discourse, and self-expression.

How we do it


We aim to shed light on regional accreditation organizations and how they shape content and conversations at their member schools.


We are committed to keeping you updated about this important work and connecting you to our community and helpful resources.


We are committed to speaking on behalf of parents, students, and educators to ensure diversity of thought is upheld at all schools.  

Our story

Parents Unite began as a group of parents who care deeply about independent schools and are grateful to have been students, parents, volunteers, and Trustees. Collectively we have noticed a common culture shift in many school communities, independent and public alike. This movement was initiated by our desire to ensure our children's voices are valued, and that they are taught how to critically think and engage in civil discourse. We are all deeply committed to the independent school community in New England and we all desire to see the work of Parents Unite impact students and families. 

Our team

Executive Director

Ashley Jacobs

Advisory Board

Alli Achtmeyer

Jean Egan

Beth Feeley

Senior Advisor, 1776 Unites & President, New Trier Neighbors

David Keating 

President, Institute for Free Speech

Bonnie Snyder, D.Ed. 

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