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CASEL, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, is the organization that provides the framework that Social Emotional Learning Programs follow. The framework hides the Critical Race Theory agenda of SEL and psychologically manipulates children to believe the radical ideology through Culturally Responsive Teaching.


According to CASEL, "social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions."


Culturally responsive/relevant teaching promotes the oppressed vs. oppressor binary and trains children to be activists.

SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.


Concerns With CASEL's SEL


  • Top-down approach (National organization dictating standards to states and schools)

  • Massive mental health data collection from invasive surveys and assessments without parental consent

  • Surveys are connected to student identification numbers (which are connected to SSN)

  • Data is interpreted through a Critical Race Theory viewpoint and always returns results with systemic oppression

  • SEL uses a Critical Race Theory framework that is implemented through Culturally Responsive Teaching, which emphasizes the idea that Americans belong to one of two groups, oppressor or oppressed

  • SEL counselors are trained to affirm all identities and shift the school culture to celebrate them & influence others 

  • Has a collectivist political ideology focus, encourages groupthink and discourages individuality 

  • Deconstructs a child's identity and modifies student values, beliefs and behaviors to accept new social norms

  • Questions who has the moral authority- the individual? Or the group? Which group? 

  • Changes how "Problem Solving" works

  • Uses a Restorative Practice Discipline which places behavioral issues on society rather than with individual responsibility

  • Anti-intellectual-Removes rational thought and reason and focuses on emotional analysis

  • Undermines family morals and parental rights

  • Rewards those seeking power and victimhood

  • Teaches children what makes themselves feel good is of highest value

  • Impedes SEL growth and fuels shame and resentment

  • Intensifies tribalism through identity groups which intensifies aggression, prejudice, and cruelty

  • Designed to tear apart the individual and Western civilization

  • SEL programs are extremely expensive and essentially pyramids schemes profiling off of taxpayers



A closer look at CASEL

SEL questions to consider


  • Are you utilizing an SEL program in the school?

  • What SEL program do you utilize?

  • Does the school mandate the program, or do you independently determine what program to use?

  • Do you use supplemental materials that you identify as helpful as a part of the program?

  • What surveys will my child be asked to complete as part of the SEL program? Can I have a copy of any survey my child will be given?

  • What is the objective of these surveys?

  • How do you use data collected from surveys as a part of the program?

  • Who has access to data collected from the surveys?

  • Is the school using a third-party provider to maintain SEL survey data? Do you work directly with a third party?

  • Do you have a policy or process for opting out of programs like the school's SEL program?

  • Please let me know if you incorporate principles of SEL into other academic or non-academic lessons so that I can decide regarding my child's participation​

  • What is the school's (or district's) policy for opting out of SEL programs?

  • Will you communicate with my child's teacher that I have opted out of this program?

Gender ideology questions to consider


  • Why are children being asked to revisit pronouns?

  • Why are children being encouraged to deny/reject their sex?

  • Can you ask the school to put into writing why they are revisiting pronouns?

  • Why are children not being allowed to grow up naturally without pressure to conform to regressive stereotypes? 

  • Why is the school asking children to fit into an identity box?

  • Does the school encourage children to keep secrets from parents?



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