Are you curious to learn more about gender ideology and pronouns?
The Social justice belief system has encouraged certain behavior. In particular, schools are calling into question what makes us male/female by asking the smallest children to question their gender identity. What is the link between social transition, which starts with pronouns, and medicalization? How is the law — Title IX — being used to impose radical social change?
In a recent article, Leor Sapir explains that "The National Health Service (NHS) of England just released new draft guidance that abandons the 'gender-affirmative' model for the treatment of gender-questioning youth, determining that 'social gender transition' — which includes adults adopting a minor’s preferred name, pronoun, and gender role — is actually a form of psychosocial intervention with potentially serious risks. Why is the US affirmative care model an outlier to much of the western world?"*
What Is Gender?
Colin Wright at the Parents Unite Diversity Of Thought In K-12 Education Conference
The Medicalization Of Gender Nonconformity
Leor Sapir at the Parents Unite Diversity Of Thought In K-12 Education Conference
How Title IX Is Being Used To Impose Social Change
Robert Eitel at the Parents Unite Diversity Of Thought In K-12 Education Conference
Gender, Culture, School, and the Law Q & A
Q & A with Colin Wright, Dr. Leor Sapir, and Robert Eitel, Moderated by Joanna Williams
Where To Get Help

The Gender Exploratory Therapy Association is a resource for therapists, teachers, and parents who interface with children and are looking for an exploratory approach to the treatment of gender questioning youth.

You are invited to join a free webinar, sponsored by the Gender Exploratory Therapy Association (GETA), on December 3rd. This webinar will launch their Clinical Guide for therapists working with gender questioning youth. Please feel free to share widely!
*The U.K. Is Backing Off Transgender Mania. The U.S. Should Follow, Leor Sapir, National Review Online, October 28, 2022